Writing your first transformation

So, you have connected Rubicon Github App to your repository, connected a few sources and destination to Rubicon and are ready to write your first transformation. This document provides an example of how to do it using the test demo database rubicon_demo that should already be connected in your account.

  1. Check the table and schemas available in the catalog by clicking on the catalog icon on the Models tab.

  2. Create a file called order_and_refunds_by_hour.sql with the following SQL statement that computes hourly refunds for each merchant. SELECT hour, merchant_id, SUM(order_amount), SUM(refund_amount) FROM orders JOIN merchants JOIN refunds

  1. Click on the "play" button at the top right hand side to do a preview of the results. You should see something like this:

  2. Submit the SQL transformation to your Github repo. Now, you are ready to set up your first pipeline. You can see the instructions here.

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